Hank resting on freshly made bed

Coco Beach Florida at Dusk
This is the symbolic beach that most of us will be perusing while a small segment of the human population actually works. It won’t be for another 100 years, so don’t get excited yet. Hank already knows how to relax, he and his kind are all set.
Tomato seedlings popped through the soil yesterday and are ready for transplant.
I need to vent a little about health care in America. Can we agree that everyone should be covered by insurance? Can we agree that health care itself needs major reform? Do we know that the United States already has two major insurance systems? Can each of us take some responsibility for good self care? Can we lend a hand to our fellow humans who struggle to eat healthy food and have so much basic survival stress that they are compelled to partake in nicotine, soda and other addictive pleasurable substances? Do we need to hear about every possible disease that we might acquire and therefore compels us to participate in anxiety-provoking and expensive medical tests? The Affordable Care Act has triggered a big, hot mess. I welcome the mess which will eventually produce a system that serves the people.