erica updated the site

Hello! This is erica. i updated the site today and now i’m writing a blog post!

Here’s a picture from my family’s urban garden last year. A mysterious monster cucurbit grew near our compost bins. We didn’t plant it! We let it grow to about 100 sq. ft. and then trimmed it back. In October it bore fruit: it was a pumpkin patch! Just in time for Halloween.

This year the same space is occupied by a massive elderflower shrub. Whatever life finds its way to the compost area, it takes hold and GROWS!

Some like it Hot


Find the turtle and the ducklings. They are hiding……


Doc’s Dock

Just need a duck on doc’s dock


Look what hours of weeding can do!


Tomatoes strong

One potato two potato

I dream about mashed potatoes, scalloped potatoes, fried potatoes, potato soup and so on.

Peas please

Bush beans, yellow beans and peas


Eggplant parm and ratatouille

In solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement, I am reading Soulfire Farm. The section on herbs is particularly riveting. There is a whole section on the power of basil including bathing in basil infused water.

Just June

We visited the big garden after a lovely rain this morning. It still

looks really dry.

And so we begin

Lettuce, 50 tomato plants, cucumbers, peas, beets, carrots

yellow squash, zuchinni, delicata squash, corn, bush beans,

lima beans, eggplant.


It’s a story about three boulders, an excavator and a man called
