Hank and I go for a big walk every morning on the driveway. He wakes up at 5am for breakfast. He is crazed with energy. Jumping, nipping and generally tearing around the kitchen. I read in the Dog Whisperer that every dog needs 45 minutes of exercise before they are ready to start listening and training. Hank starts focusing about halfway down the driveway.

The garden is lush and full of produce in August
- Lettuce, Zinnias, Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, Tomatoes, Corn, Beans and Squash.
I made a delicious yellow squash casserole.
Saute onions and squash which has been sliced 1/2 inch thick.
When squash is soft and onion translucent, pour into casserole dish. Cover with crushed Ritz Cracker crumbs. Top with parmesan cheese. Add layer of sliced tomatoes. Bake for half an hour at 375 degrees. Yum. There were no leftovers for lunch.