All posts by Michele

Natural Light

Bullshit, complete horse puckey, stink to hell bullshit. This is what I imagine my favored gas station attendant utters every morning when he starts his shift. I am fairly certain that his epithets are like micro tragicomedy plays. He has an extravagant way of expressing himself which makes going to the only full service gas station in town a remarkable experience. It’s a job and pays the bills, but there’s a lot of grief related to filling strangers’ gas tanks. First, one has to tell customers the final tally. For awhile, my attendant used to announce it with a sort of drum roll as if telling you the winning lottery number. That must not have gone well with certain folks, and lately he has been handing me the paper receipt. It causes me to look for my glasses which are more often than not unavailable. I ask him to just read it to me. He kind of turns his head away and mumbles.

He became known to me a few years ago when I watched him running down Western Avenue waving his arms and shouting at a car that had just pulled out of the station Stop, you didn’t pay. Stop you asshole. He gave up after a few yards, turned around and walked back. He looked over and saw the police car parked and waiting for speeders. Get him as he pointed to the truck, he didn’t pay. The blue lights went on and the police car took off after the truck. I wasn’t in a hurry and enjoyed watching the whole episode. The attendant apologized. I told him it was a nice reprieve in my day to see him try to catch the truck. Well, he said, I get reamed real good at the end of the month when the receipts don’t add up. I asked him how often people drive away. He said a couple of times a week, more since gas prices went up. We both shook our heads.

A few years ago I started giving tips to the attendants. I realized that although the actual time spent filling my tank was minutes and there was usually no special services like cleaning the windshields, they were doing something that I did not want to do. I do not want to get out of my car in sub-zero temperatures. I do not want to get out my car in the rain. And, I certainly do not want to get out of my car in the blistering heat. For that matter, I don’t even want to get out of my car in beautiful weather. Not at the gas station. For all those reasons, it makes sense to give these folks a tip. I settled on three dollars. It goes up a dollar every year.

I get my tank filled up every week and he is my attendant nine times out of ten. He’s a talker and I have pieced together a snapshot of his life from the snippets of information shared while waiting for the tank to fill. I know that he is an eclectic reader, has interesting political views, lives with his girlfriend and aspires to own a home someday. I think he is in his mid-twenties. He may or may not vote. He is fairly cynical about the way the world is running itself, but his life is joyful. He is one of the happiest people I have ever met.

Last week, he told me that he was buying a guitar from a friend. He said the money is coming from tips I saved. Actually, from the tips you gave me. Wow, I said,  that is so cool. My kids are all musicians and play the guitar. I’m so glad you’re getting a guitar. Electric or acoustic? Electric, he said. Way easier to play. I shook my head in agreement even though I have never played the electric guitar.

Last spring, he told me that he had been playing his guitar and using an on-line teaching course. Said something about busting his chops on Nirvana, until he gets to the good stuff. I like to woo the ladies with my base chords. Then he played the air guitar and I drove away.


Hank eats snow

Hank eats snow

What is Hank thinking?

What is Hank thinking?

This is Hank’s first experience with snow. He loves it. He eats it, rolls in it and contemplates the meaning of his existence. How do I know this? I just do.

Hank was neutered two weeks ago. We can’t have him chasing girls around the neighborhood. I brought him to the Vet’s office and had a difficult time leaving him there. My eyes teared up and the Vet Tech tried to comfort me by relating the benefits of neutering. One: it helps soften aggressive behavior in males. Two: it prevents testicular cancer. Three: it contributes to good stewardship regarding dog population control. It was a long day. I called to check on him around noon knowing that the surgery had been completed. The Vet Tech said that Hank was resting comfortably and all was well.

I picked him up around 4:30pm and was given a long list of do’s and don’ts. I have no memory of these precautions from our previous dogs. Seemed like they bounced back quickly and relied on their own resources to recover.

Here is the list:

1. Keep your dog quiet, dry and warm for 10 days.

2. Do not let him run, jump or play for 10 days.

3. Do not let him lick his wound.

4. No climbing stairs. But, if your dog must climb stairs, guide him one step at a time.

I asked the Vet Tech how to keep my dog from licking himself. It’s one of his favorite activities. She said “Speak to him”. Apparently she had given him a mini-lecture on the problems associated with licking one’s wound. She claimed that he listened and stopped licking himself. Or, she said, you can put a special collar on him that will prevent the licking behavior. My son calls this the “cone of shame”.

The first 12 hours were a cinch. Hank was knocked out from the anesthesia. He was groggy and tired and slept most of the time. And then the medication wore off and he was back to his exuberant self.

I learned the following: I am incapable of keeping a Golden Retriever puppy weighing 60lbs from running, jumping, playing, climbing stairs or licking himself.

Go Hank!


There goes that moon again ...

There goes that moon again …

Sweet dreams garden.

Sweet dreams garden.

 Of Cabbages and Kings...

Of Cabbages and Kings…