Sometimes I need only to stand wherever I am to be blessed

 Woke with the birds and the rising sun this morning. Could not sleep. A sad day at work. And then I found this poem by Mary Oliver.
I will walk Hank and spend time with my friend Karla in Glover. We are visiting the Bread and Puppet Museum and Love’s Labour Lost Garden. Balm for my weary heart.

It Was Early

Mary Oliver

It was early, which has always been my hour to begin looking at the world
and of course, even in the darkness, to begin listening into it,
especially under the pines where the owl lives and sometimes calls out
as I walk by, as he did on this morning. So many gifts!
What do they mean?  In the marshes where the pink light was just arriving
the mink with his bristle tail was stalking the soft-eared mice,
and in the pines the cones were heavy, each one ordained to open.
Sometimes I need only to stand wherever I am to be blessed.
Little mink, let me watch you.
 Little mice, run and run.
Dear pine cone, let me hold you as you open.
I wonder how you awoke this morning? Did you have doubts of your kind?  Perhaps there are certain politicians whose rhetoric exasperates you, or the latest tally from terrorist bombing correlates with how many fewer times you will express today.  Maybe you are thinking of the tender children who cannot run away from abusing adults, who could not run away from their circumstances either.
What if, as we think of how we are hunted and haunted each in our own way, we choose this today to be blessed.  We watch the harm, we watch the fear, and we watch the chase, which is a dance, isn’t?
Then in response, we choose to bless the world and hold all lives, mean and small, knowing that the human heart may yet open.  Maybe today.

A Duck Story

We were coming round the last bend in the road, when Hank took off for the pond. I could hear ducks quacking which had caused Hank to investigate. There were three Mallard ducks in all. A female followed by two drakes. The drakes looked like they were chasing the female who was doing all the quacking. She did kind of a skipping swimming maneuver which seemed to keep her one step ahead of the drakes.

Leave me alone she quacked. I’m tired. I was up all night sitting on my eggs. I am in no mood for this foolishness. Quack Quack.  

Hank ran around the pond and stepped onto the Flintstones where he tipped his head to one side. He was thinking that the female duck seemed to be in a bad mood. Suddenly, the drakes stopped chasing the female duck as she swam towards Hank quacking away.

You would not believe what I have to deal with on a daily basis. Those two are unbelievable. They spend all of their time either chasing me or fluffing their feathers. Yeah, their good looking as drakes go. But help with the eggs. Are you serious. Once the eggs hatch, they’re gone. Look at them now, checking their reflections in the pond. And by the way, what’s up with those humans? What do they even do all day? I don’t get it.
Yeah, I know Hank replied. I spend all my time trying to train them and it’s pretty hopeless. But they give me treats, let me sleep on their couch, sometimes the big bed. It could be worse.

Are they gone yet, the female duck asked Hank. She didn’t dare turn around.

They’re still in the pond but they seem pretty much into each other. 

They’re gay. I knew it.





Thank You

A shout out to Maya Angelou who is in goddess heaven. Ms. Angelou died yesterday, May 28 at the age of 86.  I have my students read I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings in the Social Movement class. Ms. Angelou’s best advice is to say thank you. Thank you for the day, the hour and the minute. Not poor me, not how could you say that thing, do that thing, think that thing…..No. No. Not. Rather, say thank you.


Tiled floor in the works

Pond Garden rehabilitated

Raised beds in the vegetable garden

Apple orchard in bloom

Thank you.