You are my Sunshine


Hank follows the sun

The temperature dipped below zero again and I found myself surfing the net looking at Puerto Rican beaches. One of my co-workers had spoken enthusiastically about a destination wedding she had attended three years ago in Culebra, Puerto Rico.  I asked about safety and she shrugged her shoulders and said yeah, there are places you should avoid. San Juan is kinda dicey. Be careful of taxis. Don’t take the ferry to Culebra. It’s better to fly.

Culebra is a small island that only has 350 rooms available for tourists. Flamengo beach is famous for it’s beauty. I imagined long afternoons sitting on the beach and looking out at blue water. Then I wondered about Hank. He usually sleeps at my feet while I am “working” on my PC.  Hank was napping in the dining room by the glass doors that were blasting sunlight directly on his body. He looked up at me while I snapped his picture. Who needs the beach?

You have to know that President Obama and his staff begin their  morning meetings with this prayer: thank you god for the Russians. Please don’t ever let the Russians go bust. We are just one major power away from complete world disgust. Amen.

What did you do Hank?


Hank is ashamed and embarrassed

When I entered the kitchen this morning, Craig said Don’t come in without shoes…….Hank had counter-surfed and found the uncovered glass pan of brownies. Someone had left it there last night. Not mentioning any names, but I was the first to go upstairs to bed. There was a request to leave the brownies on the counter for a second helping.  Sometime during the night, Hank found the brownies and helped himself after smashing the glass pan. He was not cut by the glass pieces and also not phased by several helpings of chocolate.  Later today, Hank ate the inside sole of Craig’s shoe and got into the kitchen garbage bag I had just secured in the laundry room .


Tender seedlings — Best Boy Tomatoes

Is America going to get all up into it’s righteous self over Russia’s bullying and sloppy human rights policies. You betcha.


Sunday Morning


Hank resting on freshly made bed

The beach at dusk

Coco Beach Florida at Dusk

This is the symbolic beach that most of us will be perusing while a small segment of the human population actually works. It won’t be for another 100 years, so don’t get excited yet. Hank already knows how to relax, he and his kind are all set.

Tomato seedlings popped through the soil yesterday and are ready for transplant.

I need to vent a little about health care in America. Can we agree that everyone should be covered by insurance? Can we agree that health care itself needs major reform? Do we know that the United States already has two major insurance systems? Can each of us take some responsibility for good self care? Can we lend a hand to our fellow humans who struggle to eat healthy food and have so much basic survival stress that they are compelled to partake in nicotine, soda and other addictive pleasurable substances? Do we need to hear about every possible disease that we might acquire and therefore compels us to participate in anxiety-provoking and expensive medical tests? The Affordable Care Act has triggered a big, hot mess. I welcome the mess which will eventually produce a system that serves the people.