Spent the last four days recovering from food poisoning. It started on Thursday in the middle of a conference on Aging. My group went to a local restaurant for lunch and I ordered the delicious looking, low calorie, “healthy” tuna salad sandwich. That was after hearing about the 16 things you can do to insure a healthy life span. Living a long time is not the dream if you are sliding into decrepitude. I should have gone with my first choice which was the turkey, cranberry panini. One hour after eating the tuna sandwich, I started feeling ill. Eventually, my symptoms made me feel 100 hundred years old, or what I believe it will feel like when one is a hundred years old. Tired and achy all over. But it’s all relative, because today, a nineteen year old young woman told me she felt old as she was turning twenty.
The garden is blooming. Picked spinach, asparagus and rhubarb today. Plan to make strawberry-rhubarb pie and spinach salad with apple and cashews. There are tomatoes the size of golf balls. And they said it couldn’t be done! No pictures to prove the existence of said golf ball tomatoes. Next time.
The rhubarb has been in the garden for at least 20 years.

Spring Rhubarb

Raised Beds

Roses on the Patio
Rhubarb is a tonic with magical health qualities. Cleanses the toxins from one’s system.
Every year we add two raised beds.